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Disinfectant for purification of drinking water - liquid

KIM-WATER is a disinfectant based on stabilized hydrogen peroxide with no residual smell specific for the dring water in animal farms. The product fullfills the EU regulation UNI EN 902/2002.
Its action is based on producing active oxygen which is able to cross over the microrganisms protective barriers and to destroy the enzymatic system. The product is active aganinst Gram+, Gram-, Eumycetes and sporygens with a wide spectrum of activity.
The residuals in the treated water are completely biodegradable and no toxic and these characteristics make the product suitable for treatment of the livestock watering.
KIM-WATER is administerd through automatic dosing systems and the concentration depends on the bioburden of the water to be treated and its final quality. 

A S K   F O R   M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N
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